
Tuesday 18 December 2018

Slj Activity 1

 Slj Activity 1 Welcome back to my blog post for this blog post im still continuing the summer learning journey but this is the real Slj this activity is the first activity which gives 4 points we have to make a blog post of three facts of New Zealand so here's the three that I chose

I hope you learned something new bye

Image result for nz flag

Tuesday 11 December 2018

Slj practice

Hello back to my blog, 

For this Slj activity we are watching videos from other country's. Here's the video I chose. Video link go to 2:03 and 4:42. Its so funny XD, The things I find funny is the sound affects and animations so I rate a ✰★☆⚝✫ stars. The shows in japan that are fun to watch for me is anime. If you don't know what anime is its drawn cartoons with lots of details and there are so many anime TV shows my favorite anime is Akame ga kill. I recommend this anime a 5 star because it is much different than others and its very sad because all the main characters died but its rated 12 years but every anime is like that. I found this anime out because my brother added it to his favorites list on a app called cartoon HD
I hope you enjoyed this blog post and bye

Slj last practice

Slj last practice
Hello back to my blog for this Slj practice it is about famous landmarks but for me it is famous land marks in Japan some of you might of never heard any of these places and also try checking these places out the facts are amazing       I hope you learned something new and bye

Wednesday 21 November 2018

Yogurt pottle Design

Hello guys today i'm going to be talking about plastic
W.A.L.T design and recreate a food package that will reduce waste 
many companies make food packaging out of plastic. all this plastic is ending up in our environment the stuff that we know that can save our environment is compostable, reusable and compostible so I have designed this for the yogurt pottle companies if its too small go to the link

I hope you liked this blog post and bye

Armistice day

Armistice day
Hello guys today i'm going to show you about Armistice day If you don't know what Armistice day it is about Anzac day just a bit but it is not that popular here's some facts that could help you understand DLO 
¬.¬If that "CLICK ME" thing does not work click the link that says DLO then click that cube 
I hope you learned something new bye

Thursday 15 November 2018

Me and my buddy

Me and my buddy
Today me and my buddy my buddy's name is Josh we have been doing some fun work  the stuff we have been doing is reading, spelling, giving out stickers and blogging 
Also my buddy is good at math he knows 16+16!!! the book we have been reading is Our Fish and it was fun  
The stuff we have been doing
I hope you enjoyed this post bye

Wednesday 7 November 2018

Funny stopmotion

Hello back guys today I have a stop motion to show you but I only had under a minute to make this so  I hope you enjoyed this post and please leave a comments

Tuesday 30 October 2018

PAT & STAR comprehension TEST

This term our class has been preparing for the PAT STAR comprehension TEST and the W.A.L.T is prepare for our end of year Pat comprehension and Star test. I've done these kind of tests on other times but I've never got above stanine 7 but in New Zealand only 2% of kids  can get stanine 9 And I have seen someone get stanine 9! if you are going to do these tests then read this always RE READ, Read all words first and take your time
I hope you like this post and please leave a comment BYE

Friday 26 October 2018

Curious kiwi

Hello back guys this term we have been learning about the slj prep today is the second slj prep its about giving curious kiwi a book to read on his trip and I chose this book for him to read and heres why
I hope you like this post please leave a comment bye

Thursday 25 October 2018

Harry potter chamber of secrets

Hello guys today i'm going to show you my work from a very long time ago here's the stuff I've been doing I hope you enjoyed this post and please leave a comment bye

My holiday

At my holiday it was quite bad first we had nowhere to go except for a event hosted by one of my friends second the best part about the holiday was playing heaps of games on my brothers PS4 the games ive played are Just Cause 3, Mine craft, Fortnite and some others that I cant remember  third my brother thought about downloading Just Cause 2 and Battlefield 2 on his laptop so he did but Just Cause 2 was so laggy and Battlefield 2 was actually pretty funny because the bots were way to dumb to fight and I found out some new amazing stuff in it like scan, artillery, UAV, supply drop and vechicle drop but the holidays was much boring than I expected
I hope you like this post and please leave a comment bye

Tuesday 23 October 2018

Swimming T4

Swimming T4

At the start of term 4 Hornby primary school started swimming lessons for only 2 weeks at waitaha Canterbury swim school it was fun learning but I had problems with bubble & breath and kicking my favorite swimming technique is survival backstroke I want to show you my video of me swimming but I dont have one 

Please comment and have a nice day bye

Tuesday 18 September 2018

Discount DLO

Discount DLO
W.A.L.T work out discounts using fractions and percentages
hello guys I have been working on this DLO for about 2 hours about discounts heres a video about the discounts.
sorry if it was too long. It was quite hard making and solving these questions I hope you liked it bye.

Wednesday 5 September 2018

More body systems

More body systems
I've only started learning about these body systems for 2 days they are called endocrine, circulation and skeletal systems. Here is the facts I have learned. 
If you want to know how to make a blood model just comment me and if you liked this blog post please leave a comment bye

Tuesday 4 September 2018

fantasy world

Hello guys today I am going to show you our fantasy world. We have been doing this since the start of last term. The people in my group are Jamie Ben and me. The video is down there!↓ Sorry the video does not work
Sorry for no video.

Body parts I learned

Body parts I learned
W.A.L.T explain what different body systems are and how they work My topic group has been learning about the body systems since the start of this term. The body systems we learned are digestive, muscular, nervous and respiratory system these is their jobs↴ 
Read this
But the main jobs for digestive system is to gather nutrients from food, the job for the muscular system is to move your bones, the nervous systems job is to send messages from your brain and gather messages and the respiratory system is to put O2 around your body
I hope you liked this post please leave a comment Bye.

Wednesday 22 August 2018

Fairy tales

Fairy tales
At the start of term three literacy group two has been doing fairy tales. Fairy tales has been around for a long time but they are not real the people that I know that made them are Hans Christopher Anderson Gavin bishop and (Alexander t wolf not really) the fairy tales we have been doing is the Three little pigs, Jack and the beanstalk and Goldilocks and the three bears then we did the rule of three this is what it is about↴

 this is what I did

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Monday 6 August 2018


Hello today i'll be showing you what is a fraction heres a DLO 

I hope you liked it bye

Thursday 2 August 2018


Hello now ill be talking about protagonist and antagonist  protagonist is the main character or the good guy the antagonist is the villain heres an example

Three little pigs

Hello today ill show you stuff about the three little pigs that you  might not know read this link
Evil pig
im going to show you the true story and the regular story read this picture if its too small magnify↴ it read this link gavin bishop version and the Hans Christopher Anderson version
True and not true

Tuesday 31 July 2018

My writing of the holidays

The Worst Holiday
In the holidays I was waiting for something exciting but instead I stayed home with
nothing to do. Same with my family. It was boring frustrating and I was tired.

My little
brother was sick for almost a week, my older brothers laptop was lost,  I had to go
to 2 weddings it happened at Lincoln event center I had to stay there for over 8 hours,
I stayed home for so long I had to assemble a present for my little brother, I played
games the whole time my throat was hurting for so long, one of the days I did not get
any sleep the only best thing is that my parents were away for a day.

Monday 25 June 2018


And now I have just finished some more games for genius hour if you want to check them out heres their link click me TAP TAP TAP What? Dummy maker Archery

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Tuesday 19 June 2018

digital ignition

Image result for mbotAt my group we have been doing binary coding our teacher was lyn i dont know much of it so im just going to skip it and now we made a m bot do tricks but my friends like to call it e bot this is what we did at the end we did a song but it didn't show in the video we also made the m bot deliver ice cream to the community hall, city, school and beach
it was so fun these people was in my group Odin Jamie and me🤖 シツッ

Wednesday 13 June 2018


In this blog post I show you what ive been learning about DNA which stands for deoxyribonucleic acid here some stuff mysterys I think its Chris because he had the same footprint and Susan Delaney because of her ink is the same as the one found in the crime scene
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Friday 8 June 2018


our class has been learning about plagiarism it means like coping others and i tried doing the opposite and this is what i got  

More genius hour

Im going to show you again about genius hour. In genius hour I do scratch coding. So here is some of my games piano plane FIGHT i had to go to YouTube to learn these but only once right now im working on of a special game heres a preview

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Thursday 7 June 2018


every Thursday our class does statistics there are three things to statistics first gather data second summarize it which means put in a graph third check it this is my one
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Tuesday 22 May 2018

Written form

for maths iv been learning to use the written form strategy if you want to know click on one of these videos

+⤴️                                          -⤴️
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Monday 21 May 2018

cyclone gita slideshow

This is me and Kody slideshow i hope you like it
this is one of my best because it took me so long
please leave a comment😴

At cross country

At cross country

On Thursday at 1:20 everyone lined up at the court and we did the roll ready for cross country.

 After that the school went to Kyle park after that we did cross country but my year group was going to go first but Odin didn't arrive for little long then we were told were to go first we went to the deep part of the park the we ran to the skate park then I slowed down then we went back to the deep part and we finished I came 7th of the year 6 boys if you liked it please leave a comment🏃

My genius hour project

in our class our class is doing genius hour every Friday these are the rules
if you want to see what ive did for genius hour click this link or this link  ¬_¬ if you liked it please a comment genius hour is my most favorite thing to do😁


This term our group has been learning about fingerprints this is what i learned if you look on your fingertips you can see these tiny lines which are called ridges nobody on the world has have no same fingerprints not even twins and your fingerprints stay the same forever and fingerprints are one of the ways the get DNA there 3 types of fingerprints on is a whorl that looks like a spiral the other one is a loop which looks like a u turn and the last one is a arch it looks like a bump this is how to make a fingerprint first rub your fingers on your scalp second press your finger lightly on a dark surface third put a little amount of talcum powder on a paintbrush fourth brush over your fingerprint fifth place sticky tape over the fingerprint sixth carefully pull the tape with the fingerprint on it seventh look at it is it a loop whorl or an arch?  

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Friday 13 April 2018

My Diorama

My diorama
This term me and Kody made a diorama of a Samoa Tongan village.
First we made a plan and i thought of the what we would put into our village then Kody drew my idea onto our plan. I was away the next day so i'm not sure what Kody did next but it looked great when I came the next day. At the end it looked marvelous but I think we added too many props but we are ok with it and would know next time not to add as many things into it. Most of the diorama is made of plaster scene with sand as the floor and feathers but the problem is that Kody ripped off the sun so now it looks like a yellow cloud.


This diorama that me and Kody made took us about the whole term and we had lots of fun. Please leave a comment. 

Thursday 29 March 2018

How to use the number line strategy

How to use the number line strategy

in this week I am learning how to use the number line strategy if you want to learn how to use it click on the video below⤵ 

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Thursday 15 March 2018


on this post I am going to show you what we have been learning about cyber safety which is not to upload your photos name address school and parents credit cards and here are two videos about cyber safety
and you can also be safe by avoiding unexpected questions but only if they ask to much about you

Friday 9 March 2018

My learning goals

In our class we had to make yourself a learning we made one to share to our parents and to improve our learning       
and that the end of this post if you like it please leave a comment so I hope you like it😃

Friday 23 February 2018

cyclone gita

Cyclone Gita

This week our class has been learning about Cyclone Gita. 

What I know about Cyclone Gita is that it was a category 2 and it has already hit New Zealand. It hit Fiji and Tonga before it hit New Zealand. They both had lots of damage.

What i've experienced of Cyclone Gita is not much just the temperature and rain that we got. The temperature dropped really low and we had rain for about 2 days. Because of all the rain we had to stay inside. 

We didn't get much damage in Christchurch because we were on the other side of the cyclone so we were lucky. I felt sad for the areas that did get hit.