
Friday 27 September 2019

nature fix drama

This drama lesson we are learning about nature fix

This is stuff you can do outside in nature

  • Play psychical games
  • smell the roses
  • have a picnic
  • listen to the birds
  • plant crops
If you enjoy doing these well these doesn't just make you happy but healthy at the same time 

Thursday 26 September 2019

My investigation on climate change


What are trees used for?

For wood, furniture, books, paper, stationary, houses and tools

How does deforestation effect climate change?

If there was no trees then carbon dioxide would be floating around and also keep the sun's heat trapped in the earth's atmosphere

Image result for deforestation

Ice Cap melt

If all the ice melted what will happen?

The regions that are low to the sea like NZ would have some parts underwater also some marine life will die and polar animals will possibly be extinct

Image result for ice caps melting
I hope you learned something new and bye

kauri island Ask and answer questions

today our reading group had a simple task it was to read a text then make questions to a buddy then answer the buddies questions the questions I written down is
The main character?
The setting?
The problem?
The solution?
these were pretty easy to answer the answers were tama and Thelma, kauri island, the pig ran away and the pig was found what I found interesting was that the island had trees that fall over way easier than any other tree also this is the link to the story so you can read it for yourself Text
I hope you enjoyed this and bye

Monday 23 September 2019

Pollution at the sea

Pollution at the sea


Definition: is when acidification is added to water

Q.1 What is happening to the oceans?

Answer: the ocean is sucking up all the carbon dioxide which is making the ocean acidic 

Q.2 what does this do to the shellfish?

Answer: the shellfish are struggling to produce calcium so its dying or just rotting away

How does climate change contribute to the acidification of our ocean?

The rain carries the carbon dioxide and places it in the ocean???

Include 2 images

Image result for ocean
Image result for shell fish

Tuesday 17 September 2019

2040 Our earth in 21 years

this time on drama mt and ds got to watch a documentary film in the auditorium it was about what will happen to the earth in 2040 the film did get me very surprised because the after-effects and editing was legendary it did have a lot of solutions to help the earth and also kids gave ideas my favorite idea is rocket boots that are powered on plants
Image result for 2040
This is the cover for the film
I hope you enjoyed this and hope you can watch this too and bye

Friday 13 September 2019

Drama games and more

This drama lesson we went back to drama games but that is not all we played more games and we also did it in the auditorium the first game was walking in order and the last was house furniture challenge these two games are played like this for walking in order we have to walk as much as we are told to and turn around then repeat without touching others and for house furniture challenge there is small teams each team has to make a house furniture with our bodies and and others my favorite game was detective game for this game we had to be in a circle and a person went outside then a random person is picked after that the random person makes a action and everyone has to follow he also can change it then the person that is outside comes back in and has to guess the random person

I hope you are able to try these and now bye

Thursday 12 September 2019

Liability battle SOLAR VS COAL


In pairs rate the livability of coal vs solar energy.

Comparing Coal energy with Solar energy ( Rate; 1 = poor to 10 = great)

Your choice...
I Recommend solar because its free and reliable 
But coal can cause pollution

Tuesday 10 September 2019

Puppet Show

Puppet Show

Hello to my blog this drama lesson we are learning to make a puppet show as you can remember my puppet is a angry chewbacca with a 44. mm magnum in his hands I don't know how this is meant to support us to eat healthy but I have at least a puppet for the puppet theater its just a cardboard window with curtains Here is a link of we are meant to make Healthy eating song

Remember to eat beetroot and mangoes 
and that is the end of this blog post bye now

Monday 9 September 2019

Solar Power

Solar Energy
Aim: To find out which color attracts the suns heat

Hypothesis: I think Black because its the opposite to reflecting white


1. 2 Tin Foil Sheets
2. 3 Plastic cups
3. 2 Black Sheets
4. 1 White Paper
5. Heat Lamp
6. Water
7. Thermometer


1. Put water in each cup about like 5th a cup 
2. Wrap the sheets and paper around each cup
3. plug in the heat lamp
4. make the lamp face the cups
5. put the other sheets under the cups that are the same as the ones on top
6. dip thermometer in cup
7. every 15 mins check temperature

Findings: Black is hottest

Cup 1
Cup 2
Cup 3

Conclusion: now we know which color takes the most heat thanks for reading bye


In pairs rate the livability of coal vs solar energy.

Comparing Coal energy with Solar energy ( Rate; 1 = poor to 10 = great)

Your choice...

Friday 6 September 2019

Paper bag Puppets

For this drama lesson we made paper bag puppets my paper bag puppet is a evil chewbacca with a 45mm magnum high caliber attachment I cant show it but i think you can imagine it but this was short I wanted to make more but its finished now we did this for a puppet show sadly I couldn't participate also this was meant to be a activity to teach us to eat healthy food more regularly

I hope you enjoyed this blog post and bye
Image result for chewbacca paper bag puppet

Thursday 5 September 2019

The Greenhouse Effect

The Greenhouse Effect
By Elias

1. 2 plastic bottle
2. 1 Teaspoon Baking Soda and Citric Acid
3. 2 heat lamp
4. 2 Thermometer
5. 100 ml water
6. 1 rubber bung

1. Collect 2 bottles 2 lamps and 2 thermometers from the teacher.
2. set up bottles and lamps beside a powerpoint on a flat surface.
3. Pour 100ml water and baking soda mixture into one of the bottles. add just water to the second bottle 
4. Start to record your findings taken from bottle thermometers. these must be every 5 minutes. 

Bottle 1: Water 
Bottle 2: Co2 Gas
Conclusion: the temperature of the CO2 bottle rose higher  than the normal bottle. this is showed that CO2 heats up our atmosphere very fast.