
Thursday 20 June 2019

CIP - Meal budget challenge

For this blog i'm doing something I have not done like any other of my blogs this blog post is about a meal budget shopping challenge if you don't know what we did for this we had to get into a group of six people then we had to got onto a shopping website to find a meal for twelve dollars after that all groups had to pay two dollars each person then we all went to countdown or Paknsave to buy our budget meal when we got back everyone made their meal for my team we made spaghetti and garlic bread we gathered these ingredients 

  • Garlic bread
  • Spaghetti
  • Stir fry mix vegetables
  • Sweet chilli Thai chicken
  • And a extra tomato sauce and apple juice
Here is a photo of the meal everyone and my team made
I hope you enjoyed this blog and we enjoyed our meal and bye

Tuesday 18 June 2019

What I learnt about Mathletics

Hello back my blog for this blog I have a simple presentation of what I did at maths
I have a DLO to show
This DLO tells people about using letters in maths another thing I did in maths is mathletics this is a game that includes maths for nearly everything it can be fun like there is games to play when your finished your assigned tasks I like the game multiverse on mathletics it's a game of conquering planets that's in danger caused by the division zero pirates there are thirty planets to conquer and many pirates to fight four medals to earn tons of levels to level up and you can make a trading post to save the lives on the planets it's a exiting game that includes maths for everything such as locating planets and resources gathering resources fighting pirates and more
I hope you enjoyed this blog and bye

Friday 14 June 2019

Reading - Visualisation

Hello back to my blog today i have a blog like no other that i did its about visualisation if you don't know what is visualisation it means picturing something in your mind or writing it down to remember it
what we did for visualisation is first our teacher told us about it then we had to picture anything in your mind but it had to be someone doing something after that we had to listen to our teacher because our teacher was talking about a visualisation of someone from another schools idea it was about their teacher I am going to say somethings that was written 
The teacher usually has her hand tangling around her hair because her hair gets in the way
The teacher holds a book in her other hand when she is at school to teach
The teacher holds a mug of coffee on weekends or after work
The teacher owns a ancient precious violin that she polishes but uses it not much of the time
The teacher owns a collection of music albums
The teacher owns a whole lot of colourful clothes such as shirts and jeans
Here is a photo of my drawing of the teacher
If you have not noticed i dressed up the teacher as Steve from Minecraft well i hope you learnt or at least enjoyed this blog post and bye

Thursday 13 June 2019

Beats and beyond

Beats and beyond

Hello to my blog for this blog I'm going to be doing about music and what we learnt about music before I start we had to make a title page so I'll show it now

The title was made up by Taylor check out his blog it may be way creative For this first thing I learnt was the guitars and their properties the guitars we've learnt are Nylon string guitars which are often used for practicing and the other guitars is the dreadnaught guitar this guitar is a classic and quite big two more guitars the next guitar is the backpackers guitar this guitar is a odd one its tiny and skinny but it can be carried anywhere the last guitar is the electric guitar well pretty much anyone knows it but some parts may be surprising here's some stuff about the guitars 
Is not the best photo but I tried can't get better quality than I think 420p well I hope this blogpost was good enough don't forget to comment and Bye.