
Thursday 2 December 2021

Business and Enterprise

Business and Enterprise are based on creating products and selling them and the objective of business and enterprise is to make more money than you started with thus making a profit. 

There are 4 roles we had while working on this project, the CEO is the head of the company, their job is to ensure everyone is on track with their roles and to make choices, the next role is marketing manager, this role is important because they decide and order what we need to make out product, following up is the production manager, what the production manager does is make the product till we have enough to make a profit, and the last is the finance manager, the finance manager takes care of the money on market day and takes care of our budget.

During the market day, I've learned that its important to know what the customers desire before you actually decide and to see if it's actually enjoyable for the price, our company decided to go with sherbet and we knew what flavors to choose because we gave out a poll to people with different interests so we know what is better.